Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A poem: To Obsess, to Love

I decided to take a detour from my current blog series (I will do this every other post so there won't just be a bunch of personality posts in a row on this blog).

Anyway, I wrote a poem today based on 1 Corinthians 13 and I wanted to share it here...

To Obsess, to Love
 To obsess is to let your emotions fly,
To fulfill your loneliness by
Chasing, scheming, pushing on
Until your time and life are gone

To obsess is to chase your own desires
And feed your own burning fires
With someone else’s dreams and life,
Leaving both of you empty with pain and strife

To obsess is to let butterflies come quickly,
To let your soul melt into something hard and sickly
From looking too hard to find character worthwhile
Beyond his shallow, meaningless smile

But to love is to care
To put someone first, to always be there,
To conquer conflict, climb mountains together
 To bear your affection forever

To love is to see true joy on his face
To stop treating relationships like a competition or race
To wait for him to come to you
Without the intention to blindly pursue,
But to love you for the One who lives in your heart
That’s when true love truly starts 

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