About Me

So, you have entered my realm of writing and thinking and dreaming. Welcome.

In case we've never met, I need to introduce myself. My name is Alisa and I am a college student who eats lots of Ramen, an amateur writer (not "author", because I haven't actually made money with writing yet), an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a piano-playing music geek, and most importantly, a Jesus-follower. 
If you like Twenty One Pilots, puffins (yes, the bird), Jane Austen movies, coffee, Thai food, Death Cab for Cutie, rainy days, or poetry, then I know that we'll get along just fine. 

Why am I writing on this blog, you may ask? Well, I love words, whether they be poetry, short stories, memoirs, or reflections on life. Because of this, I definitely feel closest to God when I'm writing and thinking deeply about Him. So, this blog exists as a form of worship to Him and a form of discipleship and service to you, the reader. 
I hope and pray that my exploration of God's word and of His fingerprints in the everyday world around us will impact you, as it continues to change and challenge me. 

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