Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jealous- part 2

Wow! It's been WAY too long since I've posted anything on this blog. However, I just came across this old post that I was about to put up in May, but never got around to posting. Also, since I have some OCD tendencies, I realized that there couldn't be a post called "Jealous- part 1" without at least a "Jealous- part 2" to follow it! So here it is...

A few months ago, I wrote a song that I would like to share with you guys. I composed the tune for them in 3 count time purposefully, to mimic a traditional waltz rhythm.

Verse 1:
He's gazing at her with pleading eyes
Wondering why she doesn't look back
Lost inside of her own fantasies
How could she forget the price he paid for her?

They used to dance the night away
All of the dreams that they shared
But now she's lost in another's eyes
Leaving him behind

It's the beginning of the end
Causing her heart to break and bend
She's wondering why she feels this way
Felt right before, but now that's going away

Verse 2:
Her heart versus her head; a raging battle
His love seems unreal- so far away
No one can fill the void where he belongs
Wasting her whole life on chasing pointless dreams

Her fast-beating heart doesn't satisfy
Compared to a love that will last
Although his eyes aren't a lovely blue
He painted the blue in the sky


All this time of searching for something
All this time of waltzing with nothing
She was blind, misled, imprisoned
All this time of running away
From the one who loves her, his arms open to save


As I'm sure you figured out by the end of the song, the male person referred to represents God while the female character is us, the people who follow God, but are still tempted by
Reflecting on God's grace, it seems as if it would be virtually impossible to ever choose sin above Him, but yet, we all have these tendencies to still serve the one who isn't even our master anymore: Satan. He is crafty enough to steal our hearts by putting on shows of beauty and appeal, just as how Willoughby won Marianne's heart through appealing shows of the very thing he knew she desired: the concept of someone who would love her continually.
 We also desire something or someone that will love us continually, something that we can turn to when all else in our world is failing us. Yet, we run away from the very thing that will bring us true satisfaction: Jesus's saving grace and love. One of my favorite passages in the Bible, Romans 8:38-39, paints a wonderful picture of this unconditional love.
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Can you think of anything else that is just that unconditional, just that deep and wide?
I sure can't.

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