Friday, December 14, 2012


The famous scene from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in which Indy is chased by a boulder
  Click on the link below to listen to Time by Hans Zimmer- This song sort of matches this blog post in a strange way, so me, being the music nerd that I am, decided to add it...for full effect, listen to it while reading :)

Adventure. It's what we dream of, thirst for. Look at all of the movies that are released; almost all of them are about going on adventures. The characters step outside of their comfort zone to experience excitement, danger, and discovery. 
Do you want adventure? What would it be like to be a hero or heroine- in real life? Well, guess what, you don't have to wonder anymore; as a follower of Christ, you are not only given the ability to go on amazing adventures, but you are ASKED to do it. Let me explain.

1. All heroes have a cause; ultimately defeating evil. Well, you are fighting against the most powerful evil: Satan. He WANTS to capture you, tie you down, disable you from fighting him.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

2. Heroes have unique powers that make them stand out from all others. Captain America has a shield, admirable humility and selflessness, and extraordinary strength, Frodo from The Lord of the Rings has remarkable endurance, obedience, and support from the ones around him, Katniss from The Hunger Games has agility, knowledge, and fiery determination to stand for what she believes in.
We have unique powers that make us stand out from all others.
"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." 1 Corinthians 12:7 (NLT)
God has also given us all weapons to fight with; his aide and power. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:10-11 

3. Our cause is urgent. Movies include time limits: in Inception, the heroes must complete a mission within a dream before they wake up. In the Disney film Tangled, some of the characters must save Flynn Rider before he is executed, and they do it as he is WALKING to the gallows- talk about urgency!  Your life may not feel urgent now, but read Psalm 90:5-6: "You sweep people away like dreams that disappear. They are like grass that springs up in the morning. In the morning it blooms and flourishes, but by evening it is dry and withered." I don't know about you, but that verse makes me realize the extreme brevity of my life... our realization of this fact is vital to our cause. 

So, because I love summaries after reading a good amount of information, let me give you a summary of all of that.
You have been given a mission to defeat the most powerful evil known; not only to mankind, but to every living and dead, seen and unseen power in the universe. Time ticks away; you and only you can use your unique, influential abilities to do your part to defeat this evil. Plus, the God of the UNIVERSE has given you this mission. 

Will you take it? We all thirst for adventure and this is OUR opportunity to go on one. Our lives will be gone in a heartbeat. We can't afford complacency; ignoring this mission would be like having the ability to de-activate time bombs seamlessly and quickly yet sitting around and doing nothing while a time bomb ticks away in someone's house a only few miles away from you.
Get up. Pick up that book known as the BIBLE that is the guidebook to your mission. Quick, there's no time to lose; this day, this hour, this minute, this SECOND will never come again. It's... GONE... just like that. And you only have a limited amount of seconds left. ONWARD, Christian soldiers. 


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