Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You do you

One of my family's good friends just graduated last year after studying to be a teacher. This year, she got a job teaching at a school with some underprivileged kids. Although she landed in a challenging place to start her career, she has told us about some of the techniques that she has used to teach these children and they are extremely profound and effective.
One of them is a simple, but powerful statement, "you do you."
Whenever one of her students complains about something being unfair or unequal since another kid is being treated differently, this statement is her response to the kid's complaints.
To bring across the point even further, she did an activity with her students. First, she told each of them to pretend that they were sick or injured in some way and she pretended to be the doctor that was supposed to cure them. One by one, each student came up to her to get "treated" for their "illness". But, instead of treating them correctly, she gave every single kid a band-aid on their arm. It didn't matter if they had a headache or a broken leg, she still put a band-aid on each kid. This showed the students how important it was to realize that each person needs something DIFFERENT. A one-size-fits-all system never works.
As I heard about this idea, I figured out that some adults (including myself, if I can be called an adult yet) need to learn this as well. We fall into this awful habit of comparing ourselves to others. It may not be in same way as children compare themselves to other kids ("he got more candy than I did!" "Why does he get to do that when I can't?"), but yet it's from the same root cause: selfishness. Our complaints may sound different, but they are essentially the same.
"He keeps getting promotions at work; why don't I move up?"
"She is so good at math; why can't I make good grades like that?"
"I wish I were as talented as he is."
"She always has a flock of boys following her. I wish I were half as pretty, then maybe someone would like me."
We just can't keep our noses out of other peoples' business, can we?
The Bible has some very clear things to say about this too.
"We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."
2 Corinthians 10:12
Seriously, just take yourself for who you are! You are FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY made, and every strength and weakness is there for a reason.

Each of us is given a unique mission in life to fulfill for Christ. So if we're buried in trying to compare our own, one-of-a-kind journey to someone else's, we'll miss out on what we could be doing in our own lives!

So, are you going to insist that you get a band-aid for your broken leg since everyone around you is getting a band-aid, or are you going to start looking for a cast?
It's up to you to choose whether you will worry about what everyone else is doing or just do you.

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