Saturday, September 3, 2011

The purpose of everything

This is my very first post and I'd just like to say why I'm even starting this blog. Basically, the reason that I even had the inclination to start a blog is that I love writing and I wanted a way to use my writing skills to glorify God.  I want every post to be a reminder that everything has a amazing purpose. The truth is, whether or not you feel like your life is full of potential, it really does has a specific purpose; glorifying God. I really love to think that my life can be used to do so much. Every event that occurs in my world, every place that I go, and every good and bad thing that happens to me is for a specific reason. It makes me so glad that no matter what happens to each of us, it's all to strengthen our faith and endurance so we can truly pursue God's will and what purpose he has for all of us. So, I hope that this blog can be used to show the purpose and potential that every Christian has within their life. Lastly, to end this post, I'm going to write down a quote that's highly overused and scientifically incorrect, but a pretty good poetic metaphor.
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
So go and shoot for your potential and reach for your purpose in life! Even if you don't accomplish whatever you were hoping for, you can know that God has something a bajillion times better for you anyway. After all, the moon is just a big hunk of rock; stars are made out of PLASMA! That's a lot cooler.

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