Friday, March 20, 2015

Ode to Graduation

Ode to Graduation

Torn in half
Between what was and what will be
I want to hold onto what I had
With dear life 
I want to let go and move on
With no turning back
There is comfort in what was
The sweetness and warmth 
Of childhood
Innocence, wide-eyed wonder
There is intrigue in what will be
The unknown and width
Of adulthood
Open space
Older newness 
Resigned, weighted freedom 

Stepping down an aisle 
With a square tasseled crown of “grown-up”
On my head
A navy robe of “you made it”
On my shoulders
Into a stretch of darkness
Into the unknown
Should I be looking back 
In remembrance 
Of the past days?
Should I be running forward
In anticipation 
Of the days to come?

How can something so inevitable
Be this difficult to comprehend?
Standing on the threshold 
Of stepping outside 
The warmth from my home
On my back
It calms me
It traps me
The wind from out there
Blasting my face
It fills me with excitement  
It fills me with fear 
Two more months now
Before this push-and-pull 
Is severed away
Reality is sinking in

But with it 
Comes something else
A rush of hope 
Sweeping over me
“One thing have I desired of the Lord
That will I seek after
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life”
I am not torn
He made me whole
I am not walking into darkness
But by the light of His Spirit
I am not afraid of standing on the threshold
He covers me in the shadow of His wings
And all that really matters
He is who He is. 

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