Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The online dictionary definition of hipster: : a person who is unusually aware of and interested in new and unconventional patterns (as in jazz or fashion)

Is it just me, or is EVERYONE a "hipster" nowadays? People don't necessarily call themselves that anymore, but it seems like everyone is interested in "new and unconventional patterns". And sorry to break this news, but if everyone is a hipster, NO ONE IS A HIPSTER. Ouch. So, I'm sorry if you're attempting to be "unique", but if you're trying to be different from everyone else, you're actually being just like everyone else, because everyone else is trying to be different from everyone else.

So now, you're probably just confused and thinking something like, "what is the point of this?"
Well, let me read your mind and give you an answer to that question: this odd fad of trying to be "different" that has currently infected the teens of this generation is actually caused by a root problem.
Before I move on, I need to clarify, trying to be unique isn't necessarily a "problem". Take it from a girl who photographs her puffin stuffed animals on Instagram and wears hair bows, at age 16... But I was thinking through this, and I realized a universal root problem that can be seen because of the whole "hipster" idea: identity.
Everyone feels a great need to be recognized and "known" for something. Whether it be a well-known love of potatoes or the ability to imitate the Joker perfectly (if there's someone out there who can do that, I never ever want to meet them) or an enormous obsession of Hiccup the Viking from How to Train Your Dragon (that's actually a personal example ^.^) , everyone wants to be unique in some way. Why? Because they care about what people think of them! All of us, more or less, really care about what others think of us. In many ways, this is good, because if no one cared about what other people thought of them, no one would ever brush their teeth or take a shower.... Yuck.
But, on the other hand, if all of your self-confidence comes from what others think of you, you will be sorely disappointed one day. If this hasn't happened to you yet, don't worry, it will; people will disappoint you. This is why we, as Christians, have been called to find our identity in Christ. But yet, this is so tricky sometimes. We are all so attention-starved; SO desperate for someone to tell us that we're amazing, unique and irreplaceable. However, no amount of attention from other people will ever satisfy us because when someone gives you attention in some way, it's more than likely that they just want you to return the favor and give them attention. I call this technique "fishing for complements". This fact that no one else really cares for us as much as they care for themselves is rather sad, but true; it's human nature. But, it can make us so much more grateful that we have a God that GENUINELY cares for us. If you don't believe me, read Psalm 139. It's one of my favorite passages of scripture, particularly this verse:
"How precious are your thoughts for me, O God. They cannot be numbered. I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!"
Psalm 139:17-18a
Just think about this idea for a second. The Creator of the universe thinks immeasurable thoughts about you, yet you still think you need other people to tell you that you're worth something?! That's crazy...

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