One of my favorite songs of all time, Clocks, by Coldplay, is one of those type of songs. Beyond the melancholy piano riff that repeats throughout the song and the dark, pulsing melody, there is a line, ONE line in this song that can make such a difference in our world if we just stop to think about it.
"Am I a part of the cure or am I part of the disease?"
This probably doesn't strike you as a new, innovative concept; after all, Clocks has been around for a while and you probably know these lyrics pretty well by now.
But think about it this way: what if you only had two options: being a cure or being part of the disease?
There are countless problems in our society-"diseases"- and we have this choice to make: to be a cure or to be part of the quickly spreading disease. I say "quickly-spreading" because of the way that we affect each other in this society; once people begin to lower the standard, then others are sure to follow; it's like a domino effect.
This seems obvious, but honestly, do we really think about this in our day to day lives?
For example, one problem today is unemployment. We often complain about how people live off of our taxes and blah-blah-blah and how people shouldn't be so lazy. But, what about YOU? If you are being lazy with your own work (if you are a student, that is actually your current occupation), then you're part of the disease! You may think, "when I get into the real workplace, I'll do better and work harder."
I have one word for you: habits. I'm sorry to be blunt, but If you're logging on Facebook when you should be doing physics, then why wouldn't you do that when you're in the "real workplace"? Bad habits are easier to form than to break. In fact, I myself was actually on Facebook when I should have been doing physics last night...(me talking to me again)
Let me put it this way: we need to stop unintentionally feeding the disease. If there's a store or company you strongly disagree with, then wouldn't you probably think about boycotting it?
In the same way, we need to "boycott" the diseases. Sometimes, just "going with the flow" and doing what everyone else is doing causes you to be part of the disease, whether or not you realize it.
This looks so different in each person's life. But if you are a Christian, you are CALLED to be the "light of the world"- ultimately, a cure from darkness. So think about it. What disease are you unintentionally contributing to? How can you be a cure instead? Next time you think about making any type of decision, sing that one line from Clocks in your head, "Am I part of the cure or am I part of the disease?"
And by the way, there is no decision that's neutral on this point; everything you do either adds to the disease or contributes to a cure- no middle ground.