Saturday, December 10, 2011

Irrational fears

Here are my top three irrational fears:

1. Clowns
2. Cabbage Patch Kids
3. Gumby
I don't know if anyone else is like me in this, but Gumby really is frightening! He (or it, whatever it is) gives me this icky feeling inside whenever I see pictures of him. But on a more serious note, there are so many things to be afraid of. All of us have had questions at one time or another like: What if an earthquake happens where I live? What if I have an internet stalker? What if someone who I'm close to becomes severely ill or passes away? What if I suddenly have to move to Greenland and leave behind all of my friends from school and church? Or, the classic one for teenage girls, "What if I'm forever alone and never find my significant other?"
The sad part is, all of these fears have to do with "I, me, my". Fear itself is a selfish thing. Although it may have to do with someone other than yourself such as a close friend, in the end, all great fears boil down to one common subject: you. But what is there to do about it? Well, there's this amazing verse that I find myself reciting many times. "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
In the end, these fears are so ridiculous. God has such an awesome plan already, why are you fretting about what it is? And why spend so much time worrying what will happen to you when you could go out and help others who are facing those types of trials? If you can help those who are moving away from their home, or who have lost a loved one or who are struggling with the idea of being single, you can go and help them. It will allow you to spread God's love and realize that it isn't all about you; a win-win situation!

1 comment:

  1. I am like so scared of alligators, sharks and stingrays, jellyfish. Nope, fire ants don't bother me, though I will try my utmost best to stay out of their home. I've had nightmares since Soul Surfer about sharks attacking people. I know it will most likely never happen to me. But the most likely is the problem.
